6bit Obit

Reed Hofer


All in a circle we sat. My mother had me take off my shoes and brace, flaunting them to the class like recovered booty from the sea. Fortunately, my classmates didn’t shudder or (at least outwardly) think differently towards me. As my own sphere of involvement increased (jobs at fast food restaurants and grocery stores and college), I met more individuals like me, and judgement slowly abated.

Recedes Into Failed Light

Martina Reisz Newberry


from a sprinkling of consciousness,
a perpetuation of art and architecture’s
wicked cadences.


Once she longed for a drawer filled with every color.
Once she stole a toy ring and chewed its plastic nub.
Once her dreams were motionless as summer heat.


in my eyes, eyes
in the black bandit cap of it,
slick feathers on bone.

Two Poems by Aileen Keown Vaux

Aileen Keown Vaux

Here is the body being lonely:
my head balances precariously like a boulder
as if my neck were a mountain peak.


From the Anthology

Gianfranco Pagnucci— from the 1971 issue and current work

Carolyn Osborn— from the 1970 issue and current work


Volume XLV

Artwork by Julie Hamilton

"August Glory" - Vera Dickerson, acrylic on canvas, 30" x 40"