Galaxy of Magic
Judy De-Croce
Galaxy of Magic
Customer Service
Dear Galaxy of Magic,
I am sending back the two tricks I bought.
My brother Timmy shoved one of the rubber peanuts up his nose.
I was so excited about getting the tricks on Monday that I didn’t read the warning about
Magic Safety.
The Chicano in You
Daniel A. Olivas
The first time Javier Zambrano experienced it, he was four years old. JFK had been assassinated a week before, the country still in the throes of mourning, Roman Catholics like Javier’s family suffering this violent loss more than others.
red hot
hot shot
soft spot
self taught
out right
low life
egg whites
Loved to Madness
Gene Twaronite
She stared at the bedpan, disgusted, yet thankful for its reassuring contents and for still knowing what shit was. Nurse aide Kara helped her up for a sponge bath. Coyly resisting, she pulled her arms tightly across her breasts. Looking deeply into Kara’s eyes, she smiled and surrendered, opening her arms as if to embrace a secret lover.
Six Short Poems
Ali Asadollahi
In honor of peace
Solely binge drinking
Solely stagger dancing
The bullet passing through the vineyards
Never hits the target
From the Anthology
Gianfranco Pagnucci— from the 1971 issue and current work
Carolyn Osborn— from the 1970 issue and current work
Volume XLV
"August Glory" - Vera Dickerson, acrylic on canvas, 30" x 40"