Laura Citino
"We like to speak of history as a series of grand, definitive moments where the whole world turns on a dime. The murder of Franz Ferdinand started World War I, etc. For the Lion-Man, and indeed much of archaeology’s most prized discoveries, there is no one such eureka moment. Its existence instead is a process of fragmentation and assembly, discovery and then more discovery, remembering and forgetting."
Mehrnoosh Torbatnejad
"A canyon was made
from the gash over the years,
platelets that rushed to the wound
every morning undid their doing"
Chung Tzu Dreams of a Butterfly
Amos Jasper Wright
"Heaven and earth were born with the stirrings
of your wings like larva in chrysalis."
Understand Me, Sugar Review
Cameron MacKenzie
"Of the two key paradoxes addressed by this book, the first one is the most relatable, that is: the manner in which these women seek meaning serves to destroy those things that would most provide it. As delivered by Blunschi, that paradox is heartbreaking, exasperating, and all too familiar."
Second Child
Yun Wei
"If she keeps burning,
she’ll be able to stretch to the open window
and place a finger on the wet wet scenery. "
A reading of "Second Child" by Yun Wei.
Image by: Ah Wei.