Michelle Donahue


Eleanor begins a story about a woman, who is her age. And this woman, like Eleanor, has a secret. Unlike Eleanor’s, the woman’s secret is strange. No one would suspect. When this woman closes her eyes, she grows hummingbird wings, iridescent, too green to believe. At the end of this story, the woman will hold her lighter to the wall and wait. But that’s the end, and it isn’t the end yet.


Mitchell Nobis


Daddy will you come to
my party when I die?
he said.

To Hastings,

Liz Robbins


the small Southern town that sounds
like hastening. Where even now your rows
of cabbage and potatoes lie beneath
the soil, parched from the eye of the sun.


From the Anthology

Gianfranco Pagnucci— from the 1971 issue and current work

Carolyn Osborn— from the 1970 issue and current work


Volume XLV

Artwork by Julie Hamilton

"August Glory" - Vera Dickerson, acrylic on canvas, 30" x 40"