An Exultation of Appalachia
Lonormi Manuel
I’m more than a little tired of the word elegy. One online thesaurus gives 183 synonyms for that word, most of them sad: requiem, dirge, lament, threnody, plaint, knell. Words that mourn. Words that weep over a much-loved corpse. I’m also a whole lot tired of hearing that word applied to the region that I call home.
Two Poems
A. Molotkov
Each instant, a shadow
of the one before. I
am the shadow of a shadow
What Comes Easy
John Blair
becoming is easy enough for most of us to get at least part
of it right loving is easy compared to being loved
hating, too
Portrait of My Grandfather in Late-Stage Dementia
Adam Gianforcaro
& so how can the mind / so vast & intricate
one day forget where to bathe / or how to breathe
Made and Unmade
M.C. Rush
Made and unmade,
we make stories and call them memories
make memories and call them identity,
make identity and call it dream,
New from the Anthology
Lee upton- from the 2010 issue and current work
Patrick Ryan Frank- from the 2011 issue and current work
Volume XLIV
"Alchemical Poetry" - Dreama J. Kattenbraker, mixed media on canvas, 36" x 60"