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Jozelle Dyer


"I wish it hadn't happened. But I will write
a better poem, one that doesn't say I wish

it hadn’t happened. "



Jozelle Dyer


“You carried me casually, a rum and Coke
sounding softly in your left hand, your bony fingers
cupped around us both, black as tamarind
scraped from its shell.”



Billy Thompson


"I want to tell him how this... is Joycean in scope, that I’m channeling my inner Jules Renard and embodying the words of David Foster Wallace. But how do you really say that, ever, not to mention on bloodied hands and knees, and not sound ridiculous?"


Volume XLI

Cover Art:  "Catkin Flora" by J. Wayne Fitzgerald.  Measuring 15" x 23", mono-print, embellished with watercolor, on rag paper, mixed media, January, 2016.