Holden Wright
Josh told me his sister had just learned he was dating another boy half his age, and she was pissed. He tried to laugh it off, but all I could think was, “Another?” and for the first time wondered how many predecessors I had.
Isabelle Edgar
I wore lipstick that day.
Some on my cheek.
A Conversation
Caleigh Shaw
When I had him, my placenta was dry.
I went through a lot right before he was born.
My mom and I are at my brother’s basketball
game. My brother wasn’t the best player,
A White Bird While Burning Trash
Laura Neal
I think it may be a swan
standing yellow-
legged in our backyard pond.
You Are Driving
Cassie Premo Steele
You are driving from now on
to the place beyond the maps
where there are no paths
Earthquake Myth
Monica Cure
In the moment I turned
from the kitchen to the hallway
I was shaken so violently
by a longing for you