Announcing the winner of our Eco-Poetry Contest

"To the Survivors" - Peter Manos


Biopsy in the Land of Blood

Christen Noel Kauffman


a bath rug is painted with a body turning
on itself, this cave of wonders emptying the cells
I’ve tried to hold in. what is muscle memory when
everything merges into red and red on a bathroom
floor where I scrub the tile with a fine-toothed comb
until the color bleeds through.



Donna Pucciani


Today all things are possible.
Berries become birds.
Daylilies become nighthawks.
Skunks become roses, roses lions.


Select any words that
you feel
describe the way you are supposed to act:

◻ Patient
◻ Responsive
◻ Social
In your late teens, you work the register at a big-box pet store for a month. Someone checking out with an urgent, angry desire for lizard food tells you to hurry up.



John Popielaski


They are born in a brush pile before the spring’s full bloom.
Their embryonic digits grasp. They pull
each blind and hairless fraction of a gram, each portion
of audacity, across the mother to the pouch seam.